
Donate By Text

Giving in the moment is easy with our text-to-give option.

  1. Text 833-558-0618 and enter the amount you wish to donate.
  2. You will receive a response Text Message with a link. Click the registration link and complete the registration form.You will enter your name, address, email address, and credit card information.
  3. Receive a verification text as well as an email receipt. For future giving, simply send a text to the same number with the amount    you wish to give, and your donation will process automatically.

More Ways To Support

Hannaford Gift Card Program

Did you know that you can donate 5% of what you spend at Hannaford without cost to you?

Here is an EASY way to support our ministry.

The Readfield United Methodist Church will supply you with a Hannaford Grocery Card for any amount you specify. You can use this grocery card at any Hannaford to pay for your groceries (just like a debit card).

So, if you give Readfield UMC a check for $100.00, you will get a $100.00 grocery shopping card.

Hannaford will give our church 5% of what you spend.
It’s that easy. No cost to you and church get 5% of all sales.

Every two weeks we will re-load your card, there is no need to get a new one.

We keep the card numbers on file.

Questions? Please see call at the office or email at

CLYNK Program


-Hannaford’s returnable bottle program
-Fill and return CLYNK bags to support our ministry. 

Find a pre-labeled CLYNK bags in our Narthex, fill the bags with returnable bottles and cans and return them to ANY CLYNK (Hannaford) location in Maine.